The Ava Cloud Workshop Series
Business Decision-Making Strategies, Financial, Organizational and Governance Models & Architectural Frameworks for Cloud Service Providers (CSP's)
Are You Ready to be a Cloud Leader?
Overview & Highlights
- 6 Workshops Delivered over 6-Day Period(~48 hours). Enroll for Workshops Individually or Entire Series (15% Discount Offered) at Your Own Pace
- Covers all 4 Planning Phases of Creating a CSP: Strategy, Design, Implementation & Management
- Learn all 5 Dimensions of a CSP: Business, Financial, Organizational, Legal/Governance & IT/Technology
- Learn Strategies for Each CSP Deployment Model: Private, Public, Community & Hybrid
- Role-Agnostic: Content reflects the inter-disciplinary matrix of a Service-Oriented Organization and was designed to enhance the knowledge and strategic decision-making capabilities for ANY role within the organization
The Workshops
Individual Workshops
Workshop Series Agenda & Outlines
Cloud & The Digital Economy
Business Models & Cloud Service Design
Financial Models & Pricing Strategies
The Service-Oriented Organization of Innovation & Trust
IT & Technology Architecture: Platforms of Agility
Security, Governance & Legal Strategies
Cloud & The Digital Economy
- What is Cloud?
- What is a Service?
- Introduction to the Service Development Lifecycle
- Cloudonomics: The New Digital Economy and the Disruptive Force of Cloud
- There is no safe place from the Cloud
- Economics don’t obey the traditional “Laws of Physics”
- Economic Benefits of Cloud: The Invisible Forces of Organizational Flexibility and Agility
- What is Flexibility?
- What is Agility?
- Can they be measured?
- The Uber Story
- Introduction to Cloud Deployment Models: Economic Models of Flexibility and Agility
- Citibank Story
- Introduction to Cloud Service Models: The Economic Value-Chain of Cloud
- The Dropbox Story
- The 5 NIST Characteristics of Cloud: The Pregnancy Test of Cloud
- Economic Benefits & Challenges of Cloud
- Challenges:
- Governance and Legal Ownership
- Operational Control and Performance Measurement
- Benefits:
- Economic Elasticity: Agility & Flexibility
- Capacity Planning
- The Transformation: From a Cost-center to a Strategic-Value Center
- Transitioning to a service delivery model:
- The Story of a Bureaucracy that transformed into a Retail Store
- The Uber Story
- IT as a Trusted Advisor: The Outsourcing Conundrum
- Transitioning to a service delivery model:
- Challenges:
- Understanding the Risk Conundrum: If you are standing still, you are moving backwards
- Right-sourcing models Explained: But Amazon said Everything would be cheaper and ok!!
- Understanding the 5 dimensions/pillars of Cloud
- Business and Service Delivery Models
- Financial/Economic and Capacity Planning Models
- Governance Models
- Organizational Models
- Technology and IT Architecture Models
- Understanding hybrid strategies
- Ecosystem
- Cloud Bursting vs. Cloud Balancing
- Cloud Consumer Profiles
- The cloud Reference Model
Business Models & Cloud Service Design
- A successful strategy begins with a Vision: What is the vision of the company?
- If ITaaS is the Holy Grail, then what is ITaaS?
- ITaaS = IT as a Business in a Free-Enterprise Market
- Understanding the IDC 3rd Platform
- MODEL: IT as the Trusted Advisor: Is this a Reality?
- From Vision to Reality: Translating the Vision into Quantifiable Metrics to measure stated outcomes:
- Critical Success Factors (CSF’s)
- Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s)
- The Meaningful SLA: A New SLA for the New Paradigm of Cloud
- Translating CSF’s and KPI’s into SLO’s (meaningful metrics)
- Understanding Investment Strategies: Lead, Lag, Match and Adjustment
- How do these translate in the context of Cloud?
- Understanding and choosing business model strategies: The 3 Models of Competition
- Identifying and Understanding business requirements in the context of risk and business outcomes
- Defining business requirements
- What is a requirement (really)?
- Model to Define Requirements
- Cloud IT Modalities used to support Transformation to ITaaS
- Designing the Service: Becoming a True Service-Oriented Organization
- Where to start: The 3 Key Ingredients in a Cloud Service
- Implementing the Service Development Lifecycle (SDL) within a Cloud Strategy
- Service Adoption Methods
- Service Definition, Portfolio, Service Catalog and Management
- Components of a Service Delivery Framework
Financial Models & Pricing Strategies
- Cloudonomics: The Economic Disruptive Force of the Cloud
- Adapting to the reality of the New Cloud Economy
- How does Cloud affect Economics? New Economic Models for Organizations
- The Supply-Demand Curve of Cloud: Economic Principles of Elasticity
- The Law of Good Enough – Guiding Economic Principle
- Derived from the “Innovator’s Dilemma” – Clayton Christensen
- Understanding TCO, ROI and NPV in the context of Cloud Economics
- A New ROI Perspective on Cloud
- Chargeback vs. Showback
- The Inherent Risks in each model explored
- Chargeback Metrics and Units of Measurement
- Capacity Planning in the Cloud: Exploring The Myth of The Infinite Cloud
- Traditional vs. Cloud Capacity Planning: A Comprehensive Comparison
- Modeling Demand Generation and Translating into Capacity Planning
- Using the Service Development Lifecycle Approach
- Using Formulas to Calculate Break-Even Points, Sales Projections (how many units must be sold to break even or achieve profit), Pricing Strategies/Projections, and Profit and Loss
- Utilization Ratios and how to use them in a Cloud Strategy
- Understanding the Importance of Little’s Law: the not-so-little law
- Little’s Law explained and modeled
- Risk Assessment and Management:
- Risk Defined
- Can Risk always be quantified and/or qualified?
- MODEL: Translating Risk into Decision-Making Strategies: Using ROI to quantify and qualify risk
- Risk-Assessment Model in Action
- Right-Sourcing Models based on Risk Assessment Evaluation
- Private vs. Public vs. Community vs. Hybrid Cloud Deployment Models
The Service-Oriented Organization of Innovation & Trust
- The Organization: Are we are our own Worst Enemy?
- The 3 Invisible Walls Within an Organization: An Honest Conversation
- How to effectively deal with this
- The Human Factor: We are only as strong as the weakest link in the chain
- The Psychological Dimension of Cloud
- Competency vs. Cultural Congruence Models
- The Netflix Story
- New Roles & Responsibilities within a Service-Oriented Organization
- MODEL: Creating a Culture of Innovation: Invention is Adaptation
- The New Governance Model: The Old King is Dead, Long Live the King!
- Bureaucracy vs. Organizational Agility
- Evaluating Models of Governance within a Cloud-based Strategy
- MODEL: Creating Trust Within an Organization: The Ultimate Holy Grail
- It all comes down to the math: What does Mathematics have to do Trust?
- Addressing Shadow/Clandestine IT Operations
- The Role and Responsibilities of IT Governance: The GRC Framework
- Governance: People, Policies and Processes
- Risk Management: IT and Information Asset Valuation and Classification Methods
- Compliance: Legal Strategy and Requirements
- Privacy by Design
- The 4 Pillars of Governance in Cloud Services
- Service Inventory Analysis
- Readiness Assessment
- The Role of Management and Monitoring Trends and Patterns
IT & Technology Architecture: Platforms of Agility
- In the Beginning: The Origins of the IT Universe and the Evolution to Cloud
- Review of Compute architectures: Physical, Virtual and Logical
- The Role of Virtualization
- Virtualization Architecture Explained
- 2 Governing Principles of Virtualization
- The 4 Commandments of Virtualization
- Software-Defined Data Centers: The Evolution of Virtualization
- SDDC Architecture Explained
- The Control Plane vs. the Execution Plane
- Cloud Infrastructure Deep Dive: Physical, Virtual, Software-Defined, Cloud
- Applications
- OS/Databases
- Compute (Server)
- Network
- Storage
- The Cloud Reference Model: An Infrastructure with a Consciousness (and a Conscience too!)
- Anatomy of a Cloud Infrastructure (Labeled Components)
- From Self-Discovery to Self-Conscious Management
- The Role of the Orchestration Engine
- Types of Orchestration Engines
- The Magic of Workflow Automation
- Principles and Importance of Creating a Stateless Architecture
- Supports the “Stateless Service”
- Design to Fail
- Principles of REST and RESTful API Architectures
- Deep dive into REST (Roy Fielding)
- SOA and Microservices
- Componentization via Services
- VM’s vs. Containers
- Understanding Cloud-Native Applications vs. Monolithic Architecture
- Mobile Applications
- Intro to DevOps (from an IT perspective)
- Frameworks to Manage DevOps
- Resource Pool Design and Classification
- Tiered Architecture:
- The Shell Principle of Optimization
- Vertical vs. Horizontal Scaling
- Little’s Law: Technical Deep Dive
Security, Governance & Legal Strategies
Tab Content
Workshop Leader

David Royer is the Founder of AvaUnity, a cutting edge Digital Platform of Knowledge, training and community . David works with Fortune 500 companies to help train, engage and develop innovative technology, financial and business models. After decades of providing proprietary models to 1000s of companies as well as startups worldwide, David knows what truly connects technology to ROI and brand value - it’s about creating a culture of trust and collaboration that enables models of innovation in business, digital sales and marketing, organizational dynamics, security and governance, and rich technology platforms.
David is also an author, consultant, speaker, teacher and (soccer) coach. He wrote the Arcitura Certified Cloud Capacity Planning course and has taught over 5000 students in his workshops and classes all over the world. His students love the bonding, dynamism and substance of learning in his classrooms. Especially his methods of breaking down complexities as well as life coaching preparation for promotions and certification exams.
Growing up in Brazil, his passion has always been soccer (futebol!) where David enjoys following his favorite Brazilian players (and hopes he can convince you to follow them too!) playing on the best teams in the world. Whether soccer or IT, David loves training his teams and will continue to create as many decision-making plays as he can!
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