CompTIA Linux+

After passing the two exams required for certification, candidates will have mastered the following concepts:
System configuration
The command line interface
Scripting basics
Network settings and services
System security
David · April 27, 2018

CompTIA Linux+ validates the competencies required of an early career system administrator supporting Linux systems.

Unlike vendor-specific certifications, CompTIA Linux+ covers multiple distributions, validating skills that help prevent platform lock-in and that promote more flexible approaches to Linux system troubleshooting.

About Instructor


David Royer is the Founder of AvaUnity, a cutting edge Digital Platform of Knowledge, training and community . David works with Fortune 500 companies to help train, engage and develop innovative technology, financial and business models. After decades of providing proprietary models to 1000s of companies as well as startups worldwide, David knows what truly connects technology to ROI and brand value - it’s about creating a culture of trust and collaboration that enables models of innovation in business, digital sales and marketing, organizational dynamics, security and governance, and rich technology platforms. David is also an author, consultant, speaker, teacher and (soccer) coach. He wrote the Arcitura Certified Cloud Capacity Planning course and has taught over 5000 students in his workshops and classes all over the world. His students love the bonding, dynamism and substance of learning in his classrooms. Especially his methods of breaking down complexities as well as life coaching preparation for promotions and certification exams. Growing up in Brazil, his passion has always been soccer (futebol!) where David enjoys following his favorite Brazilian players (and hopes he can convince you to follow them too!) playing on the best teams in the world. Whether soccer or IT, David loves training his teams and will continue to create as many decision-making plays as he can!

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